Ref: Putting Mathematics on the Web with MathML

In section 2. Add a stylesheet processing instruction

it is mentioned how internet explorer will not access the xslt file
remotely due to security reasons.  The fix for this, if not already known,

is under Tools, Internet Options.

Select the Security tab and click on Custom Level... button.

scroll down until you get to 'Access data sources across domains' and
switch to enable or prompt, and then ok through all the menus.

This allows IE to load the xslt stylesheet remotely since mozilla {build
ID:2002041711} crashes if xslt file is stored locally on server.

This fix enabled me to configure my webpages to contain mathml and work on
IE 5.x.x, 6.x, and Mozilla 0.9.9+.

Hope this was useful and not a waste of time for ya.


Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2002 14:54:55 UTC