

I have been trying to use MathML, from the examples on:

So far, they do not appear to work, using ManDrake 8.0, and the
Netscape that shipped with it (I am not sure the version used).

I get output that appears as follows:

Implementing --- sqrt(2x): 


Implementing --- 2/x: 


Implementing --- 2^^x: 


Implementing --- x^^2: 

    x 2 

Implementing --- using sup notation ... Einstien's e = mc^^2: 

    e = m c 2 

Implementing --- a = two X two matrix ... x y z w: 

    A = x y z w 

Implementing --- Integral of 1/x dx from one to "t": 

    ∫ 1 t ⅆ x x x 1 t 1 x 

Implementing --- Integral of 1/x dx from one to "t": 

    x 1 t 1 x ∫ 1 t ⅆ x x 

My source code is:

<H2> MathML: </H2>
<math xmlns="">

<p> Implementing --- sqrt(2x):

<p> Implementing --- 2/x:

<p> Implementing --- 2^^x:

<p> Implementing --- x^^2:

<p> Implementing --- using sup notation ... Einstien's e = mc^^2:
         <sup> <cn>2</cn> </sup>
<p> Implementing --- a = two X two matrix ... x  y  z w:
  <mfenced open="[" close="]">
<p> Implementing --- Integral  of 1/x dx from one to "t":
  <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Content">
<p> Implementing --- Integral  of 1/x dx from one to "t":
<annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Presentation">

ALL from the examples.

What I am doing wrong???



Received on Thursday, 28 March 2002 04:35:17 UTC