Re: Including SVG in MathML (conceptual issue)


> But I lose any reference I had to the SVG line element. I'm wondering 
> how I would build (a) a semantic reference to that line element, and (b) 
> a definition of a slope function referencing that element, both within 
> the context of content MathML and possibly presentation MathML as well.
> I have a couple ideas on defining the slope function, based on my 
> reading of the Content MathML chapter, but I am totally lost on how to 
> build a reference to an element outside the MathML language.  Ideally, 
> I'd love to do something like this:
> <apply>
>   <eq />
>   <apply>
>     <slope /><!-- attributes as necessary -->
>     <svg:use xlink:href="#AB" />
>   </apply>
>   <cn>1</cn>
> </apply>
> Any suggestions on how I might go about doing this?

This is just an off the cuff idea -- I might try something like this:

   <eq />
     <csymbol ... >slope</csymbol>
       <csymbol ...>line</csymbol>
       <annotation-xml encoding="SVG"><svg:use xlink:href="#AB"/></annotation-xml>

Of course, you would have to completely process away this stuff before
trying to display it with any MathML renderer -- otherwise you would
just get 'slope(line)=1' for the rendering.  But presumably with XSL and
scripts, etc, you could set up a system that does what you want, since
all the info is there, and its valid MathML/SVG.


Robert Miner                          
MathML 2.0 Specification Co-editor                    651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc.   "How Science Communicates"

Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2002 12:13:05 UTC