Re: Problem with Universal MathML stylesheet


You wrote, back in April:

> 2. Using frames with IE seems to break the
>    loading of the stylesheet using a plugin.
> Any hints on what I could do about those 2 issues?

Could you try the latest version of pmathml.xsl:

  revision 1.4
  date: 2002/06/13 17:30:54;  author: rminer;  state: Exp;  lines: +14 -1
  added the IE frames bug workaround

and see if it works for you now? There appears to be a strange MSXML bug
that only occurs while running in frames, which causes the styleshet to
produce a different (bad) result if running in a frame than running in the
main window. The stylesheet now checks for the symptoms of the bug and
takes avoiding action...


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