Announcement: New MathML WYSIWYG Editor

In the beginning of July 2002 the beta release of the
soft4science MathML Equation Editor will be available for free download.

This beta release will support a wide ranged subset of MathML 2.0
Presentation Markup.
The features are:
 - High quality WYSIWYG GUI (compareable with MathType)
 - The graphical rendering will be orientated on the
   MathML rendering engine included in the Mozilla web browser
 - MathML 2.0 is the native file format
 - any selected MathML fragment can be copied to the clipboard
   and be pasted into other application as a XML string (or the other way
 - Transformation to other standards like LaTeX is possible via XSLT
 - A small basic set of XHTML features will be supported, so
   the user can edit a HTML document with embedded MathML sections

For further information have a look at


Bernhard Keil


Received on Monday, 10 June 2002 04:36:01 UTC