Re: report on MathML conference

Paul Topping <> writes:

> - Some weird character mangling seems to have occurred in "Marc
> Ga.sno from Universitē e Nice-Sophia Antipolis". Might be an
> encoding or IE 6 issue. (Or perhaps the person next to you on the
> plane spilled their coffee in your lap ;-)

No one's sitting next to me since I always travel first class ;-)
It's fixed now.

> - In "Writing and Editing MathML" you imply that all our products are
> Windows-centric. One of our main products in the MathML arena, WebEQ, is
> written in cross-platform Java and is available on many platforms.

Sorry about this, I added a correction to the text.


Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2002 04:51:26 UTC