Re: issues in mathml testsuite


Thanks for you bug reports.  Some comments follow:

> 1) /TortureTests/Complexity/complex4.xml:
>   Error on line 864 column 11
>   There is a single closing tag "</condition>" breaking
>   wellformedness.
> 2) /Characters/EntityNames/a.xml:
>   line 112 and 113 undeclared entity (found "asympeq")
>   BTW: Test the same entity twice?


> 3) Some files have a declared DOCTYPE, some not.

This is intentional.  Only those files which use entity names have a
DOCTYPE.  This is because there is a terrible bug in the version of
MSXML which Internet Explorer 6 insists on using.  The
xhtml-math11-f.dtd contains entity references to plane 1 Unicode
characters, but the IE6 parser dies on *any* XML file containing a
plane 1 character.  So, until the bug is fixed (please feel free to
write to anyone you can find at MS to pressure them to do this sooner
rather than later) we have omitted the DOCTYPE in the tests where it
isn't necessary.

> 4) Files with declared DOCTYPE are not valid against
>   xhtml-math11-f.dtd because of the style attribute
>   in the td elements.

Noted.  Needless to say, whether or not the DOCTYPE is explicitly
there, the intention is that all the files be valid.


Robert Miner                          
MathML 2.0 Specification Co-editor                    651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc.   "How Science Communicates"

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2002 12:25:55 UTC