MathML test suite - Presentation

I have some questions about the Presentation section of the test suite:

- mifontstyle12: 
   According to the given MathML code, I think that the 
   single character "h" with the "mathvariant" attribute set to "normal" 
   should not be render in slanted. Or perhaps I didn't understand 
   something in the CR-MathML2.

- miSfontsize9:
   It seems that in this example the given rendering do not take into 
   account the inheritance relative to the given size in the "mstyle" 
   tag. I think that the "A" characters with the size of "2em" is  
   smaller than what is given by the rendering, according to the size 
   of "0.1in" set in the "mstyle" tag. And that the size of 
   the last "A" of the second line is of the same size than the 
   sixth, which is also to be greater than rendered.


Christophe Held
INRIA - Sophia Antipolis (France)

Received on Monday, 5 February 2001 11:26:54 UTC