[ANN]: OMDoc, an Open Markup format for Mathematical Documents

         [Apologies, if you receive this more than once]

      |                                                    |
      |       OMDoc: Open Mathematical Documents!          |
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      |                                                    |
      |   OMDoc 1.0 has been released November 1. 2000     |
      |                                                    |

OMDoc is a content-based markup format for communicating mathematics on the
Internet. It is intended both for the presentation of the material for
human readers and to mathematical software systems. 

Since OMDoc builds on OpenMath and XML, OMDoc can be directly converted
into MathML, which can be rendered in Mozilla and IE5.

OMDoc is an extention of the OpenMath standard [1] to the document level,
it supplies structured content-markup for things like axoims, theorems,
proofs, definitions, texts (mixing formal content with mathematical
text). Furthermore it supplies syntax for a notion of a structured theory
hierarchy known from albraic specification formalisms like CASL [2]. 

To find out more about OMDoc, join the OMDoc mailing list [3] or view [4].

[1] http://www.openmath.org   
[2] http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI
[3] omdoc@mathweb.org; archived at http://www.mathweb.org/~mailists/omdoc
[4] http:/www.mathweb.org/omdoc

   Dr. Michael Kohlhase,                 School of Computer Science (LTI)
   FB Informatik,  Bau 36, Zi. 220.1     Carnegie Mellon University
   Universit"at des Saarlandes,          5000 Forbes Avenue
   66041 Saarbr"ucken, Germany           Pittsburgh, Pa  15213-3891
   tel/fax: (49)-681-302-4628/5076       tel/fax (1) 412-268-5749/6298
   net: <kohlhase@cs.uni-sb.de>	         net: <kohlhase@cs.cmu.edu>
   http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~kohlhase    http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase

Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2000 21:39:05 UTC