Re: MathML in

> We are willing to update the example or even omit it if you like.  

I think we'd _like_ to have a media type for MathML. While, as you
say, namespaces are a more appropriate mechanism for inline embedded
MathML in a larger document, having MathML expressions existing in
indidual files that are referenced is also a very real possibility, not
least for including MathML into HTML (as opposed to XHTML) documents
where placing the MathML inline isn't really possible in any standards
conforming way. Others could tell you more about this as there are
implementations using mime types for this purpose, I believe.

> In particular, if you need specialized 
> fragment identifiers,

MathMl doesn't have any extra mechanisms here over and above XML
mechanisms, so currently id and hopefully soon xpointer etc.

> [useful references omitted]

Thanks for the reading matter:-)

> Is text/mathml registered at IANA?

No (I don't think so), which was why we thought we should recommend
something else! 

> x-* is probably not a good idea.  RFC 2048 is quite clear about that 
> (see below).

We knew that a proposal for XML related mime types was being developed
but hadn't noticed that it was so far advanced (and used MathML as an
example!) so we were/are planning to suggest using an x- until the
proposal for XML media types was finalised, but it now seems that within
the timescale of preparing MathML for REC, your XML media types proposal
will be available in at least `almost final' form, so perhaps we should
look again at the wording about this in the mathml draft.

This is a personal message (as was the message I sent originally:-)
Not an agreed group response, obviously we'll have to discuss it within
the group, we look forward to seeing your next draft!


Received on Monday, 8 May 2000 11:36:32 UTC