Re: mstyle attributes

> In the MathML 2.0 CR DTD, attributes rowspan and columnspan are allowed
> for mstyle elements, but they are not mentioned in section 3.3.4, which
> describes the mstyle element. It's inconsistant. I guess section 3.3.4
> is right, as I don't see any use of a mstyle element with these attributes.
> Vincent.

They are legal, as implicitly stated at the beginning of section and  From

	As stated above, mstyle accepts all attributes of all MathML
	presentation elements which do not have required values. That
	is, all attributes which have an explicit default value or a
	default value which is inherited or computed are accepted by
	the mstyle element.


Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2000 01:17:12 UTC