(unknown charset) Re: MINSE -- Was Re: The disappointment ...

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
> > Is MINSE just available on a per formula basis through the web site?
> At the moment, yes.  There is source code, but parts of it
> are pretty messy.

I should clarify that this doesn't really just mean "per-formula".
You can make a document containing whatever expressions you want,
and your readers can get the whole document transformed at once.
Effectively every browser on the planet is math-enabled by MINSE.

-- ?!ng

"Je n'aime pas les stupides garçons, même quand ils sont intelligents."
    -- Roople Unia

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2000 01:05:08 UTC