- From: On-Line Order <online@laptopsales.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 16:53:34 -0800
- To: www-l@list.faf.cuni.cz, www-lib@w3.org, www-lib-request@w3.org, www-math@w3.org, www-mobile@w3.org, www-mobile-request@w3.org, www-rdf-comments@w3.org, www-security@ns2.Rutgers.EDU, www-smil@w3.org, www-smil-request@w3.org
Two computer science students meet on campus one day. The first student calls out to the other, 'Hey -- Nice bike! Where did you get it?' 'Well,' replies the other, 'I was walking to class the other day when this pretty, young coed rides up on this bike. She jumps off, takes off all of her clothes, and says 'You can have ANYTHING you want!'' 'Good choice,' says the first, 'Her clothes wouldn't have fit you anyway.' Yes, this is Spam. But at least we tried to make it as creative as possible. We are a reseller of portable and mobile products (laptop computers, accessories, etc.). We are not asking you to buy anything, subscribe to any mailing list that will flood you with great deals on computers that you will never buy. You will never receive another email form us, and in the worst case you wasted 2 minutes on reading this e-mail and maybe got a laugh out of it. All we really ask you to do is to let us know if you will consider buying or upgrading a laptop. Not now, not tomorrow, but whenever (if ever) you decide. You will find that our prices are lower then the competition, not by 10 or 20 dollars but by 500-600. If you would like us to send you 1 more e-mail containing our current specials with a keyword to receive 50$ of any Laptop purchase and enter you in a drawing to win a DIGITAL VP 735 please send e-mail to online@laptopsales.com, otherwise delete this e-mail, you will not receive another one. We apologize for wasting your time, but at least we tried to do it creatively:), on the other hand if this e- mail realy pissed you off, send your comments to yankj@laptopsales.com, IT WAS HIS IDEA!!! For that matter send any comments you like to this address, he has nothing better to do. And don�t forget to visit our Web Site at www.laptopsales.com
Received on Wednesday, 18 November 1998 22:15:28 UTC