Non-blocking sockets using libwww5.0a and Windows NT


I have been trying to use non-blocking sockets with no luck.  I am
compiling the library code using: WIN32,_WINDOWS,WWW_WIN_DLL.  I am also
setting the Preemptive mode to the protocols and requests to FALSE ie.
non-preemptive.  Following the code I observe that sockets are being
created and set to non-blocking thru the use of 'ioctlsocket'.

The problem comes up in HTDoConnect, where 'connect' first comes back
with a status of WOULDBLOCK and then on the second pass, after the
socket was signaled as ready, comes back with WSAEINVAL.  This error, I
have found to have to explanations: 1) not enough memory, 2) socket is
not bound.  I have tried binding the socket after creation and tried
thru setsockopt to increase the receive buffer size.  Nothing helped.

Am I doing anything wrong??

I appreciate any help.

Nick (

Received on Monday, 11 November 1996 02:48:02 UTC