x-gzip file transfer to PC

In the process of ftp'ing gzip'ed files from a UNIX server to 
a PC, the file sizes are increased. After file transfer is 
complete, the files on the PC are larger than the originals.
This is with the output_format defined to be WWW_SOURCE.

The WWW lib software apparently recognizes the files are 
gzip format. In the trace output there is a 

Encoding.... x-gzip


Is the WWW lib software adding information to the output stream? 
And if so, can it be made not to? I want to have a straight binary
transfer of these files.

Kevin Hartig                  tel:       303-938-2082
GLOBE Program           fax:      303-938-2090
325 Broadway, R/E/FS4 e-mail: hartig@fsl.noaa.gov
Boulder, CO 80303        web:    http://khartoum.fsl.noaa.gov/hartig/home.htm

Received on Friday, 21 July 1995 13:57:26 UTC