webbot -img -alt file-alt.log

have another question - please just check if I understand to the docs (http://www.w3.org/Robot/User/CommandLine.html) well:
  I have 4 html files available thought http://localhost.localdomain/test/<filename>, each with one of these lines:

alt-ok.html:     <img src='that-rocks.png' width='468' height='60' alt='Some alternate text'/>
alt-blank.html:  <img src='that-rocks.png' width='468' height='60' alt=''/>
alt-no.html:     <img src='that-rocks.png' width='468' height='60'/>
image-away.html: <img src='http://www.example.com/logo.png' width='96' height='31' alt='example'/>

all linked from index.html. Running this command:

webbot -n -depth 10 -prefix http://localhost/test/ -img -alt file-alt.log http://localhost/test/index.html

puts to file-alt.log:

http://localhost/test/alt-ok.html --> http://localhost/test/that-rocks.png
http://localhost/test/image-away.html --> http://www.redhat.com/g/chrome/logo_rh_home.png

Which seems odd to me.

Is it OK, or is it bug?


Jan Hutar   Quality Assurance Engineer
jhutar@redhat.com        Red Hat, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:57:29 UTC