Libwww event manager

Hello everyone


I need some held with libwww event manager. 


I have got an example running that makes a call to HTLoadToChunk. And then
copies the response body to a string. 

The code is like that:


chunk = HTLoadToChunk(sCallRequest.c_str(), request);

bool bOk = false;

if (chunk) {

      char * resp_string = NULL;

      // wait until the request is over 

      HTEventList_loop (request);

      resp_string  = HTChunk_toCString(chunk);


      if(resp_string  != NULL){

            sReturnData = resp_string ;

            bOk = true;

            HT_FREE(resp_string );




Here my application goes to infinite loop after call to HTEventList_loop. If
I remove HTEventList_loop, I don't get anything in resp_string because (as I
presume) the body hasn't been downloaded by the time. 


I think that I need to register some callbacks and break the event loop
after the body has been downloaded. But how do I do that?




Received on Thursday, 1 December 2005 19:50:53 UTC