Bad HTTP state with threads.

Hi All,
    I am trying to use LibWWW with threads.

    I get the following error at times:
"HTTP.c:1375 Bad http state 121845532"
    What does this mean? What am I doing wrong?

1. I have configured my LibWWW build with:
../configure --enable-reentrant --with-extension --with-expat=no
2. I am trying to use POST with 
        HTProfile_newNoCacheClient ("AxisCpp", "1.3");
        HTMethod_setExtensionMethod (METHOD_EXT_0, "POST", NO);
3. I start the event loop using HTEventList_newLoop(); on a seperate thread only once
4. I keep on reading and writing using multiple threds.

    Appreciate your help.

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Received on Friday, 1 October 2004 08:56:40 UTC