Status -1 in callback on pure XML response

I have a problem when receiving XML response from SOAP server (Axis). I did all the tricks (HTStreamToChuck, setting my own XML conversion to HTThroughLine) and
Send works just fine - server receives the request and responds. Issue (I'm not sure if that is a problem) is that server responds to my client without any HTTP headers 
- just the pure XML. At the same time, same server, same port replies to a different client WITH all the headers present and XML follows. When my libwww client receives 
the reply, callback gets calles with status=-1. The first error in the list has index of 62 (decimal). If I set OutputStreamFormat to "text/xml" then in the reply Chunk I see the 
First line of XML only (i.e. <?xml ...>). If I set the format to WWW_RAW, the whole output is there, but nevertheless callbacks  status is -1 (no errors). 
My problem here is how to determine if I received all the data available. The second problem is that I'd rather have server reply with all the HTTP headers and callback have 
some meaningful error code while the format of output stream being "text/xml" - i.e. make everything work as intended. BTW, both Tomcat 4.1 and 5.0 used to deploy server (axis) behave in the same way.
Here're the headers my libwww client sends:

POST /axis/services/OnlinePort
Host: localhost
User-Agent: libwww-POST/1.0 libwww/5.3.2
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 06:34:41 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
SOAPAction: "ap"
Content-Length: 841
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

Thanks in advance, 

Received on Saturday, 6 March 2004 17:19:58 UTC