Re: Heads up. Upgrading the autotools and expat versions

On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 07:58:28PM +0100, Jose Kahan wrote:
> If you want to submit an file, I will be glad to include it.

What about the small one I mailed earlier? The files of Gnome
etc. have lots of additional features (automake version checks etc), but I
believe in "KISS", and this minimal usually does the job. And if
it doesn't, the user will notice soon enough... But if you want some
additional features in the script, I can easily add them for you.

> I've seen some examples of them. I just don't like it very much when they
> also call the configure script before you have changed to an object
> directory for compiling.

Oh yes, I hate that too! (Which is why my example doesn't do it. ;) With 
some of them, you can set the environment var "NOCONFIGURE" or similar to 
prevent it.

> Richard, are you the debian maintainer for libwww?

Yes, I am! <duck>


  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  CS student at the Technische  |  GnuPG key:
  | \/¯|  |  Universität München, Germany  |  0x888354F7
  ¯ '` ¯

Received on Friday, 21 March 2003 16:14:41 UTC