building libwww under cygwin


I tryed to build libwww under a cygwin environment but it did not work. 
I got the source directly from cvs repository and the version of the gnu tools seems to be OK :
    _ gcc  2.95.3-5
    _ make  3.79.1-7
    _ automake  1.4p5-5
    _ autoconf  2.13-4  
    _ libtool  1.4.2-2

The script generates lots of warnings but no header file.
aclocal seems to work.
autoheader,automake and autoconf all generate many warnings. 
configure seems to work.
Make returns the message : Makefile:503: *** missing separator.  Stop.

Could anyone help me on this?

Thanks in advance.

Luiz Claudio

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2002 00:19:52 UTC