Probelms with timers

Somehow I missed your earlier posting so I appoligize.
 But from you response I have a question.
You indicated in your message that the timer is set to
the context.  As I understand this the context that I
am creating is set to the modified finger.  Is this
If I want to put this "dead-man" switch in place
shouldn't it be linked to the host object?  And if so
how could I do this?  The documentation leads me to
believe that the host object can not have additional
timers set to it.

On a secondary note.  The following link seems to
always hang in this loop.

IF your notes are correct then I should be getting an
error message coming back on the Response object and
as such Should be able to put a callback in linked to
the HT_Error event for the object.  Is this correct? 
Also if the HT_Error is being generated why does the
system not return?  The HTLoad_Anchor and HTLoadToFile
both will enter but from that point the system will
not return from these commands...shouldn't the library
return the error or at minimum just return?  I know I
must be missing something :-).

Thanks for the help.


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Received on Thursday, 31 January 2002 10:30:47 UTC