Re: Anyone interested in helping track bug reports/patches?

Hi Jose and everybody!

>Is anyone interested in keeping a page pointing to libwww bug reports
Are you thinking in something like a page with the bug description (or 
the discussion from libwww's list) and the suggested patches?
Well, if you agree, I may build a "site" with this (bugs and patches), 
and everybody who want to contribute with libww development may send 
his/her suggestions...
This may be very useful. For example, the webdav support.. Many people 
are working or worked on it, and we are doing the same changes/patches 
that have already been done before by the someone else... With this 
"bug/patches" site, we will be able to publicate these changes/patches 
for others libwww users that are also working on it...  
What do you think about it?

>It would be quite useful (at least for me) to know which are the
>outstanding actions. I think other people can also learn from these and
>help in the effort. Sometimes, if I'm busy, my libwww mail accumulates and
>knowing what are the urgent things would save time in doing them :)
>Does this makes sense to you?
this make a lot of sense to me! :)



Received on Thursday, 31 January 2002 07:36:10 UTC