Re: Problems downloading XML Files

okay, i found it :)

i took chunkbody as base and then i created my own version of 
HTConverterInit() without the text/xml parts.....
i think now i understand i little bit more....

sorry for the wasted bytes...
At 10:14 17.09.2001 +0200, Florian Schmidt wrote:
>i simply want to download an XML-File over HTTP. I've tried it for 4 days 
>now but without any sucsess.
>i tried the sample-programs loadtofile and chunkbody. but both return NO 
>data. (they download the file but then maybe a filter filters everything out..)
>if i rename my xml file on the http-server to something unknown i can 
>dowload the file.
>maybe it is with the MIME-Types... But how can i turn off the filter or 
>create a new filter/mime-type to download the unchanged xml file ??
>what do i have to do to get a simple dumb http-file-downloader without any 
>mime-type interpretation/conversation .... i just want the protocol layer.
>thanks in advance....
>Florian Schmidt


Florian Schmidt

Received on Monday, 17 September 2001 04:54:02 UTC