windows sockets/eventloop ? how ??

Hello fellow libwww 'ers.. i've got a question (again)

here goes:

I've got some source code which looks roughly like this under Unix:

	S = socket(...);

	/* Set socket to nonblocking */

	E = HTEvent_new(function, data, 0, -1);

	HTEventregister(S, HTEvent_READ, E);

	/* More stuff */


which causes function(data) to be called on the appropriate time..

This works fine for me.. but now i want it to work under Windows as well...
How do I do that ? I tried HTEventList_register(..), but that doesn't seem
to work.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Roland Bickel

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 09:42:50 UTC