Re: wwwssl problems

Thank you Olga, but with the libwww ( in wwwssl.c - my
client ) I don't have the _clientCTX variable...
In the source of HTSSL.c the SSL* (_clientCTX) is
static....are you telling me that I must declare it
public and recompile the libwww.a ???

thank you

> Hi,
> You should make CA cert of the CA that signed a
> server certificate available
> in your program.
> Like CA certs of the well known CAs like verisign 
> and Thawte are.

> The CA certs are added to ssl client context with a 
> function like:
> SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(_clientCtx, NULL, 
> certDirs);
> Add the right CA cert to certDirs directory.
> Olga.

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Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2001 06:38:31 UTC