cc vs gcc

Hello group!

I'm new in the list. 

I've been looking for a library to implement Post-http
and Post-https. I'm going to develop a little program
to post information to a web-site over http and https.

I've found wwwlib, but now, I've a great problem. I
need to compile with cc not with gcc. And, of course,
I can't use all gnu utilities.

I've read information over wwwlib and I think you have
more information about this. Can anybody help me?

Could I compile wwwlib with cc?

The main problem is that I could compile with all gnu
utilities, but I have to develop my program and
compile it (my program) with cc. So, I don't know if I
can compile wwwlib with gcc and to make a dynamic
library, and later with cc, to compile and execute my
program call the wwwlib dynamic library.

Could I compile wwwlib with gcc and make a dynamic
library to do this? How can I do it?

Sorry if you think that my level knowing isn't higher
to post to this list, but I haven't found information
in any other place.

Thank you in advance,

Jose Luis Gonzalez Torralba

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Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2001 11:56:36 UTC