- From: Steinar Bang <sb@metis.no>
- Date: 06 Feb 2001 13:43:07 +0100
- To: www-lib@w3.org
Platform: linux (glibc2, kernel 2.2.14), gcc (egcs-1.1.2), libwww 5.3.1 Does anyone know if HTPostAnchor() in 5.3.1 have any known problems with writing large (>=6MB) message bodies? My application can use both PUT and POST to save its XML files. In both cases I stream the XML into an strstream object, and use the buffer the strstream creates as an argument to HTAnchor_setData() on the anchor used as an argument to HTPutAnchor() and HTPostAnchor(). The PUT works (to an apache with mod_put). The POST get stuck in there somewhere. The body of the POST is a multipart/form-data. The form seems to work for uploading small files (ie. the perl CGI script on the other end seems to parse the form correctly, and save the file which is in one of the parts). I have been successful in uploading 6 and 12MB files to this CGI script, using POST of multipart/form-data, from a small Java application I've written. I've also been successful in uploading a 12MB file to this script from an HTML form in Netscape 4.5 on Win32 (but _not_ from Netscape 4.61 on linux. I suspect lack of tolerance for LF instead of CRLF in the multipart/form-data when parsed by CGI::Lite). My current theory are that there's either something wrong with the multipart/form-data I'm building (eg. LF where the MIME parser expects CRLF, but then, why does uploading small files work?), or that there's something different in libwww POSTing a buffer from libwww PUTing a buffer. The clues are pulling in different directions...:-/ I'll keep digging at this, but any hints and tips are appreciated. Thanx! - Steinar
Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2001 07:43:27 UTC