problem with tiny.c


I'm trying to have tiny.c working on windows NT 4.0

I'm using BC++ 5 to build the application

Here is the dump from debug that I get :

D:\>tiny http://localhost:8080

Transport... Adding `buffered_tcp'
Protocol.... Adding `http'
Codings..... Adding chunked with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 00415F35 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 00416081 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 00416000 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 0041602B with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 00416169 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 00414322 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 004197E0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 004261EC with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 00406ACF with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 00406ACF with quality 0.30
Event....... registering 0041CB39
Event....... registering 0041CD1B
Request..... Created 00C05F48
Event....... Created event 00C06064 with context 00C05F34, priority 20, and
timeout -1
Net After... Add 004018D8 with order 65535 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context
Request..... Created 00C060C4
fetching http://localhost:8080/
Net Object.. 00C061F0 created with hash 0
Net Object.. starting request 00C060C4 (retry=1) with net object 00C061F0
HTTP........ Looking for `http://localhost:8080/'
HTHost parse Looking up `localhost' on port 8080
Event....... Created event 00C06E08 with context 00C06D44, priority 20, and
timeout -1
Event....... Created event 00C06E20 with context 00C06D44, priority 20, and
timeout -1
Event....... Created event 00C06E38 with context 00C06D44, priority 20, and
timeout -1
Host info... added `localhost' with host 00C06D44 to list 00C06D34
Host connect Grabbing lock on Host 00C06D44 with 00C061F0
Host info... Added Net 00C061F0 (request 00C060C4) to pipe on Host 00C06D44, 1
requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 00C06D44 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 00C06D44 going to state TCP_DNS.
DNS Add..... `localhost' with 1 home(s) to 00C06F90
ParseInet... as port 8080 on with 1 homes
HTHost 00C06D44 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 56
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 1, 0 persistent sockets
Socket...... Turned off Nagle's algorithm
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 56
Channel..... Added 00C0712C to list 00C0711C
Reader...... Created reader stream 00C0716C
Socket...... TCP send buffer size is 8192 for socket 56
HTHost 00C06D44 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
HTDoConnect. WOULD BLOCK `localhost'
Event....... Dumping socket events
soc      event: pri millis  callback   param    request        timer: millis
expires ?   param   callback
writ 00C06E20:  20     -1 0040817F 00C06D44 00C060C4
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Net Object.. Killing 00C061F0
HTTP Clean.. Called with status -1, net 00C061F0
Net Object.. Delete 00C061F0 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 00C061F0 from pipe
Host Object. closing socket 56
Channel..... Semaphore set to 0 for channel 00C0712C
Channel..... Delete 00C0712C with semaphore 0, status -1
Channel..... Delete input stream 00C0716C from channel 00C0712C
Channel..... Delete input stream 00C0716C from channel 00C0712C
Socket read. FREEING....
Socket write FREEING....
Net Manager. Decreasing active sockets to 0, 0 persistent sockets
Channel..... Deleted 00C0712C, socket 56
Host info... removed host 00C06D44 as persistent
Net Object.. Check for pending Net objects
Net Object.. Freeing object 00C061F0
Response.... Created 00C0712C
Net After... calling 004018D8 (request 00C060C4, response 00C0712C, status -1,
context 00C05F34)
Load couldn't be completed successfully


I "would" think that the problem is mainly because of :
"HTDoConnect. WOULD BLOCK `localhost'"

which I don't know how to get rid of...

Thanks for any help!

Received on Thursday, 25 January 2001 11:07:25 UTC