Interleaved library causes crashes

I am working on a project where we prefer not to use the asynchronous
version of LibWWW (#undef WWW_WIN_ASYNC). Building is no problem, but when
the program runs it will stop in the TCP_NEED_SOCKET state and will
eventually crash in the HTProfile_delete.
Below is the trace dump. Does anyone have an idea what i am doing wrong?

I am using LibWWW 5.3.2 on Windows NT 4 SP5.

- Joost

--------------- Output --------------------

Memory Free. 0030E830
Request..... Created 0030E460
Memory Free. 0030E810
Memory Free. 0030E3B0
Memory Free. 0030E400
Memory Free. 0030E810
HTSimplify.. `httP://buckeye/scripts/' into
............ `http://buckeye/scripts/'
Find Parent. 0030E310 with hash 463 and address
`http://buckeye/scripts/' created
Memory Free. 0030E180
Memory Free. 0030E1C0
Memory Free. 0030E200
Tmp Anchor.. With location `file:\s8j..989832399.0'
Memory Free. 0030E810
Memory Free. 0030E0D0
Memory Free. 0030E120
Memory Free. 0030E810
HTSimplify.. `file:\s8j..989832399.0' into
............ `file:\s8j..989832399.0'
Find Parent. 0030E060 with hash 143 and address `file:\s8j..989832399.0'
Memory Free. 0030E170
Memory Free. 0030E290
Memory Free. 0030E1C0
ChunkStream. Chunk 0030FFA0 created with max size 0
Memory Free. 0030E030
Memory Free. 0030FE70
Memory Free. 0030FEC0
Memory Free. 0030E030
Memory Free. 0030FF10
Link create. from anchor 0030E060 to 0030E310 with type NONE, method PUT
HTAccess.... Accessing document http://buckeye/scripts/
Memory Free. 0030FE90
Net Before.. calling 00418E48 (request 0030E460, context 00000000)
Check rules. for `http://buckeye/scripts/'
Memory Free. 0030FE90
Net Before.. calling 0041945F (request 0030E460, context 00000000)
Auth Engine. Looking up `http://buckeye/scripts/'
Memory Free. 0030E030
Memory Free. 0030FD90
Memory Free. 0030FDE0
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-AA'
Memory Free. 0030FDA0
Auth Engine. No information
Memory Free. 0030FE90
Credentials. verified
Net Before.. calling 0042F833 (request 0030E460, context 00000000)
PEP Engine.. Looking for info on `http://buckeye/scripts/'
Memory Free. 0030E030
Memory Free. 0030FE90
Memory Free. 0030FDA0
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-pep'
Memory Free. 0030FEA0
PEP Engine.. No information
Net Before.. calling 00418D00 (request 0030E460, context 00000000)
Memory Free. 0030E030
Memory Free. 0030FE90
Memory Free. 0030FDA0
Memory Free. 0030FEA0
Net Object.. 0030FB60 created with hash 0
Net Object.. starting request 0030E460 (retry=1) with net object 0030FB60
HTTP........ Looking for `http://buckeye/scripts/'
Memory Free. 0030E030
Memory Free. 0030FA60
Memory Free. 0030FAB0
HTHost parse Looking up `buckeye' on port 80
Event....... Created event 0030F7D0 with context 0030F850, priority 20, and
timeout -1
Event....... Created event 0030F790 with context 0030F850, priority 20, and
timeout -1
Event....... Created event 0030F750 with context 0030F850, priority 20, and
timeout -1
Host info... added `buckeye' with host 0030F850 to list 0030FAD0
Memory Free. 0030FA70
Host connect Grabbing lock on Host 0030F850 with 0030FB60
Host info... Added Net 0030FB60 (request 0030E460) to pipe on Host 0030F850,
1 requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 0030F850 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 0030F850 going to state TCP_DNS.
Memory Free. 0030F510
Memory Free. 0030F510
DNS Add..... `buckeye' with 1 home(s) to 0030F550
ParseInet... as port 80 on with 1 homes
HTHost 0030F850 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 36
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 1, 0 persistent sockets
Socket...... Turned off Nagle's algorithm
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 36
Channel..... Added 0030F1E0 to list 0030F240
Reader...... Created reader stream 00A30060
Socket...... TCP send buffer size is 8192 for socket 36
Memory Free. 0030F0C0
HTHost 0030F850 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
Event....... Register socket 36, request 0030E460 handler 0041BF06 type
HTEvent_CONNECT at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_CONNECT
Event....... New value for MaxSock is 36
HTDoConnect. WOULD BLOCK `buckeye'
Memory Free. 0030E600
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 36
............ READ :
............ WRITE: 36
............ OOB  :
Event Loop.. select returns -1
............ READ :
............ WRITE: 36
............ OOB  :
Event Loop.. select returned error 10035
Event....... Dumping socket events
soc      event: pri millis  callback   param    request        timer: millis
expires ?   param   callback
writ 0030F790:  20     -1 0041BF06 0030F850 0030E460
Memory Free. 0030FFA0
Request..... Delete 0030E460
Request..... Deleting dangling output stream
Chunkstream. FREEING...
Chunkstream. FREEING...
Memory Free. 0030E170
Memory Free. 0030FF60
Memory Free. 0030E460
Memory Free. 00303370
Memory Free. 003034A0
Memory Free. 003035C0
Memory Free. 003036E0
Memory Free. 00303780
Memory Free. 003038A0
Memory Free. 00303A40
Memory Free. 00303B60
Memory Free. 00303C90
Memory Free. 00303DC0
Memory Free. 00303EF0
Memory Free. 00302060
Memory Free. 00302190
Memory Free. 003022C0
Memory Free. 003023E0
Memory Free. 00302570
Memory Free. 00301A90
Memory Free. 003032B0
Memory Free. 003033D0
Memory Free. 00303500
Memory Free. 00303620
Memory Free. 00303740
Memory Free. 003037E0
Memory Free. 00303900
Memory Free. 00303AA0
Memory Free. 00303BC0
Memory Free. 00303CF0
Memory Free. 00303E20
Memory Free. 00303F50
Memory Free. 003020C0
Memory Free. 003021F0
Memory Free. 00302320
Memory Free. 00302440
Memory Free. 00303040
Memory Free. 00301A10
Memory Free. 00304FE0
Memory Free. 00303150
Memory Free. 00303260
Memory Free. 00301A50
Memory Free. 00303090
Memory Free. 003031A0
Memory Free. 0030C630
Memory Free. 0030C730
Memory Free. 0030C780
Memory Free. 0030C660
Memory Free. 0030BE80
Memory Free. 0030BF90
Memory Free. 0030BFE0
Memory Free. 0030BEC0
Memory Free. 003072F0
Memory Free. 003073E0
Memory Free. 00307430
Memory Free. 00307320
Memory Free. 0030C7C0
Memory Free. 0030C8B0
Memory Free. 00309D50
Memory Free. 00309E40
Memory Free. 00305320
Memory Free. 00305390
Memory Free. 003053E0
Memory Free. 0030C870
Memory Free. 00309E00
Memory Free. 00305350
Memory Free. 0030CC90
Memory Free. 0030CD90
Memory Free. 0030CDE0
Memory Free. 0030CCC0
Memory Free. 00309AC0
Memory Free. 00309B30
Memory Free. 00309B80
Memory Free. 00309AF0
Memory Free. 003088B0
Memory Free. 00308930
Memory Free. 003051A0
Memory Free. 00305290
Memory Free. 003052E0
Memory Free. 003088F0
Memory Free. 003051D0
Memory Free. 003094E0
Memory Free. 003095E0
Memory Free. 00308770
Memory Free. 00308860
Memory Free. 00306A50
Memory Free. 00306AC0
Memory Free. 00306B10
Memory Free. 003095A0
Memory Free. 00308820
Memory Free. 00306A80
Memory Free. 0030C1F0
Memory Free. 0030C2E0
Memory Free. 0030C4B0
Memory Free. 0030C5A0
Memory Free. 0030C5F0
Memory Free. 0030C2A0
Memory Free. 0030C4E0
Memory Free. 00309250
Memory Free. 00309340
Memory Free. 00307070
Memory Free. 00307160
Memory Free. 003071B0
Memory Free. 00309300
Memory Free. 003070A0
Memory Free. 0030A880
Memory Free. 0030A970
Memory Free. 00309BC0
Memory Free. 00309CC0
Memory Free. 00309D10
Memory Free. 0030A930
Memory Free. 00309C00
Memory Free. 0030B830
Memory Free. 0030B930
Memory Free. 003090C0
Memory Free. 003091C0
Memory Free. 00309210
Memory Free. 0030B8F0
Memory Free. 003090F0
Memory Free. 0030A9C0
Memory Free. 0030AA30
Memory Free. 00308030
Memory Free. 003080A0
Memory Free. 003080F0
Memory Free. 0030A9F0
Memory Free. 00308060
Memory Free. 0030A740
Memory Free. 0030A830
Memory Free. 00307C70
Memory Free. 00307CE0
Memory Free. 00307D30
Memory Free. 00307E20
Memory Free. 00306FF0
Memory Free. 00305150
Memory Free. 00305050
Memory Free. 0030A7F0
Memory Free. 00307CA0
Memory Free. 00307DE0
Memory Free. 00305110
Memory Free. 0030C070
Memory Free. 0030C160
Memory Free. 0030C1B0
Memory Free. 0030C0A0
Memory Free. 0030C330
Memory Free. 0030C420
Memory Free. 0030C470
Memory Free. 0030C360
Memory Free. 003084E0
Memory Free. 003085E0
Memory Free. 00308630
Memory Free. 00308510
Memory Free. 003098B0
Memory Free. 003099B0
Memory Free. 003071F0
Memory Free. 00307260
Memory Free. 003072B0
Memory Free. 00309970
Memory Free. 00307220
Memory Free. 00307570
Memory Free. 003075E0
Memory Free. 003066D0
Memory Free. 00306740
Memory Free. 00306CD0
Memory Free. 00306DE0
Memory Free. 00306E30
Memory Free. 003075A0
Memory Free. 00306700
Memory Free. 00306D10
Memory Free. 0030DF20
Memory Free. 0030DFD0
Memory Free. 0030AF60
Memory Free. 00309070
Memory Free. 00307FF0
Memory Free. 00306150
Memory Free. 00306050
Memory Free. 0030C030
Memory Free. 00309030
Memory Free. 00306110
Memory Free. 00305530
Memory Free. 00305630
Memory Free. 00305680
Memory Free. 00305570
Memory Free. 00307470
Memory Free. 003074E0
Memory Free. 00307530
Memory Free. 003074A0
Memory Free. 0030BAE0
Memory Free. 0030BBF0
Memory Free. 0030BC40
Memory Free. 0030BB20
Memory Free. 0030AE20
Memory Free. 0030AF10
Memory Free. 00305420
Memory Free. 003054A0
Memory Free. 003054F0
Memory Free. 0030AED0
Memory Free. 00305460
Memory Free. 00308A40
Memory Free. 00308B40
Memory Free. 00308B90
Memory Free. 00308A80
Memory Free. 0030B570
Memory Free. 0030B6E0
Memory Free. 0030B730
Memory Free. 0030B7A0
Memory Free. 0030B7F0
Memory Free. 0030B6A0
Memory Free. 0030B760
Memory Free. 00307AF0
Memory Free. 00307BE0
Memory Free. 00307C30
Memory Free. 00307B20
Memory Free. 00308D10
Memory Free. 00308D80
Memory Free. 00308DD0
Memory Free. 00308D40
Memory Free. 00309A00
Memory Free. 00309A70
Memory Free. 00307E70
Memory Free. 00307F60
Memory Free. 00307FB0
Memory Free. 00309A30
Memory Free. 00307EA0
Memory Free. 0030A030
Memory Free. 0030A160
Memory Free. 0030A060
Memory Free. 0030A120
Memory Free. 0030CFE0
Memory Free. 0030B100
Memory Free. 0030B980
Memory Free. 0030BA90
Memory Free. 0030A5B0
Memory Free. 0030A6B0
Memory Free. 0030A700
Memory Free. 0030B0C0
Memory Free. 0030BA50
Memory Free. 0030A5F0
Memory Free. 0030A1B0
Memory Free. 0030A2A0
Memory Free. 00308E10
Memory Free. 00308E90
Memory Free. 00308EE0
Memory Free. 0030A260
Memory Free. 00308E50
Memory Free. 0030ACD0
Memory Free. 0030ADD0
Memory Free. 003079F0
Memory Free. 00307A60
Memory Free. 00307AB0
Memory Free. 0030AD90
Memory Free. 00307A20
Memory Free. 0030B150
Memory Free. 0030B250
Memory Free. 0030AB80
Memory Free. 0030AC80
Memory Free. 00307870
Memory Free. 00307960
Memory Free. 003079B0
Memory Free. 0030B210
Memory Free. 0030AC40
Memory Free. 003078A0
Memory Free. 0030BD40
Memory Free. 0030BE30
Memory Free. 0030AA80
Memory Free. 0030AAF0
Memory Free. 0030AB40
Memory Free. 0030BDF0
Memory Free. 0030AAB0
Memory Free. 0030B3F0
Memory Free. 0030B4E0
Memory Free. 0030B530
Memory Free. 0030B420
Memory Free. 00307630
Memory Free. 00307720
Memory Free. 00307770
Memory Free. 00307660
Memory Free. 0030CEE0
Memory Free. 0030CF50
Memory Free. 0030CFA0
Memory Free. 0030CF10
Memory Free. 0030B2A0
Memory Free. 0030B3A0
Memory Free. 0030BC80
Memory Free. 0030BCF0
Memory Free. 0030A430
Memory Free. 0030A520
Memory Free. 0030A570
Memory Free. 0030B360
Memory Free. 0030BCB0
Memory Free. 0030A460
Memory Free. 003077B0
Memory Free. 00307820
Memory Free. 003062B0
Memory Free. 003063B0
Memory Free. 00306400
Memory Free. 003077E0
Memory Free. 003062F0
Memory Free. 0030CA40
Memory Free. 0030CB30
Memory Free. 0030CB80
Memory Free. 0030CA70
Memory Free. 003061A0
Memory Free. 00306220
Memory Free. 00306270
Memory Free. 003061E0
Memory Free. 0030C900
Memory Free. 0030C9F0
Memory Free. 00308670
Memory Free. 003086E0
Memory Free. 00308730
Memory Free. 0030C9B0
Memory Free. 003086A0
Memory Free. 00309E90
Memory Free. 00309F90
Memory Free. 00309FE0
Memory Free. 00309ED0
Memory Free. 00308130
Memory Free. 003081B0
Memory Free. 00308200
Memory Free. 00308170
Memory Free. 00306E70
Memory Free. 00306F60
Memory Free. 00306FB0
Memory Free. 00306EA0
Memory Free. 00308BD0
Memory Free. 00308CC0
Memory Free. 003056C0
Memory Free. 00305840
Memory Free. 00305890
Memory Free. 00308C80
Memory Free. 003056F0
Memory Free. 0030A2F0
Memory Free. 0030A3E0
Memory Free. 00308980
Memory Free. 003089F0
Memory Free. 00308F20
Memory Free. 00308F90
Memory Free. 00308FE0
Memory Free. 0030A3A0
Memory Free. 003089B0
Memory Free. 00308F50
Memory Free. 003065D0
Memory Free. 00306640
Memory Free. 00306690
Memory Free. 00306600
Memory Free. 003097B0
Memory Free. 00309820
Memory Free. 00309870
Memory Free. 003097E0
Memory Free. 00308240
Memory Free. 003082C0
Memory Free. 00308310
Memory Free. 00308280
Memory Free. 0030CBC0
Memory Free. 0030CC40
Memory Free. 0030CE20
Memory Free. 0030CE90
Memory Free. 00306790
Memory Free. 00306880
Memory Free. 003058D0
Memory Free. 00305940
Memory Free. 00305990
Memory Free. 0030CC00
Memory Free. 0030CE50
Memory Free. 00306840
Memory Free. 00305900
Memory Free. 00306B50
Memory Free. 00306C40
Memory Free. 00306C90
Memory Free. 00306B80
Memory Free. 00308350
Memory Free. 00308450
Memory Free. 003084A0
Memory Free. 00308380
Memory Free. 00309390
Memory Free. 00309490
Memory Free. 00306440
Memory Free. 00306540
Memory Free. 00306590
Memory Free. 00309450
Memory Free. 00306470
Memory Free. 00309630
Memory Free. 00309720
Memory Free. 00309770
Memory Free. 00309660
Memory Free. 003068D0
Memory Free. 003069C0
Memory Free. 00306A10
Memory Free. 00306900
Memory Free. 003012A0
Memory Free. 00301270
WWWLibTerm.. Cleaning up LIBRAR
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objec
Memory Free. 0030DFE0
Net Object.. Killing 0030FB60

Joost Huizinga  (
WoodWing Software
"Improve Your InDesign Productivity Today"

Tel: +31 75 61 43 400
Fax: +31 75 61 43 399

Received on Monday, 14 May 2001 05:38:12 UTC