How can I evaluate attributes to unparsed HTML-Tags

Hello there,

I intend to extend HTML-Pages with a proprietary tag (no, it's
NOT a <blink>-Tag and it's only for internal use) with

Documentation leads me as far as to register an
unparsedElementCallback routine. Thus I can find out whether
(and how often) the Tag exists in my Page. But how can I
evaluate attributes in my tag?

I wrote

  void unparsedBeginElement(
    HText *       HText,
    const char *  buffer,
    int           length )
    printf("The tag <%s> appeared.\n",buf);

After calling


my routine is called everytime my Tag appears:


would cause it to print out

  The tag <mytag> appeared.

But I have no idea, how to evaluate attributes like in:

      <mytag attrib1="value1" attrib2="value2" test="123">

I already browsed the documentation but as I am a beginner in
Libwww I did not encounter a hint which I recognised as helpful.
So if anyone could give me an idea which sections contain
helpful information on this issue or which keywords I shall
look for, that might already help me very much.

With kind regards,


Matthias Bernhardt         AIS GmbH         fon +49-561-30859-29
Softwareentwicklung      Rheinweg 7-9       fax +49-561-30859-39
Netzwerkbetreuung        34131 Kassel       elm

Received on Friday, 4 May 2001 22:29:52 UTC