- From: Roland Bickel <r.bickel@cmg.nl>
- Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:27:51 +0200
- To: "'www-lib@w3.org'" <www-lib@w3.org>
Hello everybody !! I hope some of you guys can help me with this.. i'm right now able to POST a message to a HTTP server (responses to my last question still heavily appreciated !!) , and i'm also a receiving a response. Mostly, i'm using the HTPostAnchor function to do this. My question is : How can I retrieve the answer from the POST request, without reading it from file ?? I scanned through the w3c libwww archive, and tried the HTPostAnchorToChunk function of Aileen, but to no avail :-(. My terminate handler always says that the chunk is null.. I'm using asynchronous sockets, btw.. structure of the prog is like terminatehandler(....) { printf("test %s\n", HTChunk_toCString((HTChunk *)param); /* more irrelevant stuff */ } HTPostAnchorToChunk(...) { HTChunk * chunk = NULL; HTStream *target = HTStreamToChunk(request, &chunk, 0); if (chunk) { HTNetaddAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, chunk, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST); /* rest as in Aileen's example */ } } main() { HTProfile_newHTMLnoCachecClient(....); /* set up some events and callbacks to do other stuff */ /* Create anchors and so on.. */ HTPostAnchorToChunk(..); HTEventloop_newlist(); } am i forgetting something ?? help appreciated !! with kind regards, Roland Bickel
Received on Monday, 23 April 2001 10:26:07 UTC