Re: directing HTML error messages to a stream

>>>>> Steinar Bang <>:

> I have called HTConversion_add() for "text/html" with a function that
> creates a stream objects which displays the content of the HTML object
> in a QMessageBox warning dialog
> 	<>
> relying on Qt's RichText formatting to handle HTML.

> This works fine when loading an actual text/html documents.

> But return codes other than 200, which has a piggy backed text/html
> document containing an error message, disappears into a black hole.

> Do I have to register a handler for a different format than text/html
> to get these error messages?  Or do I have to hook into a completely
> different place?  It isn't it possible to get hold of these documents?

I tried registering a handler for www/debug, which the comments in
HTFormat.h seems to indicate fills this requirement.

But the error messages still disappears in a black hole.

Received on Saturday, 4 November 2000 07:07:10 UTC