RE: activate the eventloop


I assume your are working on NT (despit of your email address). If that
is right ....
(if not, delete this mail. I do not want to become involved in any of
this time wasting Linux/Windows battles)

you need to set the WWW_WIN_ASYNC preprocessor directive to get the
event loop running.
The GetMessage() command is a Win32 function that dispatches messages.
The types of messages are Win32 messages send by PostMessage() or
Check out the coding of AsyncWindowProc() in HTEvtLst.c to figure out
how it works.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Derruau, Mathias []
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 8:47 AM
To: ''
Subject: Re: activate the eventloop

I probably miss something, but I can't find a proper declaration of
methods GetMessage(), TranslateMessage() and DispatchMessage(). What tpe
messages are they supposed to be?

Concerning the sockets with HTEvent_register and HTEvent_new, it is what
did, and it works...once. I don't really know why.

Thank you for all your help

Mathias Derruau

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2000 16:26:50 UTC