Re: latest changes in libwww vis-a-vis POST

Hello William,

In our previous episode, Dillenberger, William D. said:

> I have downloaded the latest 
> HTAccess.c  HTHome.c    HTMIMPrs.c  HTReqMan.c
> HTEvtLst.c  HTHost.c    HTReader.c  HTTimer.c files.

Did you use a cvs update on the whole libwww tree or only for those files?
If the latter, why so?

> HTHost.c causes compile errors.

In which platform? I'm compiling it under Linux, Solaris, and Windows
without problems.

Last week we got a set of patches for SSL which should have fixed the
SSL post problems. Did you try to make a cvs update on the SSL directory?

Could you make a new cvs update, then give it a try? If you still have
problems, I'll look at your patches.



Received on Thursday, 3 August 2000 07:02:19 UTC