Re: Local file access problem

This is a known problem that several people have reported in the past.
I think somebody even posted a patch for it, but that person wasn't sure
tht this was the right solution.

Michael Kifer 

> Hi, I'm trying to use the HTML parser to parse local HTML files. I'm basing my
> program off showtext. The thing is, it works great if it's a remote file
> accessed via http (all the proper callback functions gets called), but when I'm
> trying to access the local file via the file protocol, I just get into an
> infinite loop in this loop (in HTEventList_loop):
> (It just responds to some window events, but that's it)
> while (!HTEndLoop && GetMessage(&msg,0,0,0)) {
>          TranslateMessage(&msg);
>          DispatchMessage(&msg);
> }
> It seems to be waiting for an event to come in from the parser? Is there a
> reason why a local file is not triggering the events while a remote file is? I
> have the file protocol and the Local transport properly set up. Is there
> something else I'm forgetting to do?
> BTW, I'm calling this simply by:
> char * pURL="file:///C:/test.html"; // test contains just a few letters in the
> body
> HTLoadAbsolute(pURL,request);
> HTEventList_newLoop();
> Any help would be appreciated..
> Thanks,
> -Jonah

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2000 17:39:53 UTC