HostEvent Problem

I try to do a HTPostFormAnchorToChunk from an url, and I recieve nothing in
the chunk (chunk size = 0). When I look at the trace message, there is an
error saying "1343 bytes left to read and nowhere to put them", and I can't
figure out where it comes from. Has someone any clue ?

Marc Barieux
Nanocosmos GmbH

I join here the part of the trace with the error :

Channel..... Semaphore decreased to 0 for channel 0x80efbb0
Timer....... Created one shot timer 0x8107f28 with callback 0x808bad0,
context 0x80ee5b0, and relative timeout 20000
Host........ Object 0x80ee5b0 going idle...
Memory Free. 0x80ee680
Memory Free. 0x80ed838
Net Object.. Check for pending Net objects
Net Object.. Freeing object 0x80ed8d8
Memory Free. 0x80ed8d8
Net After... calling 0x805f4b0 (request 0x80ecab8, response 0x8108078,
status 200, context (nil))
Net After... calling 0x8071b80 (request 0x80ecab8, response 0x8108078,
status 200, context (nil))
Net After... calling 0x805efe0 (request 0x80ecab8, response 0x8108078,
status 200, context (nil))
Load End.... OK: `'
Memory Free. 0x81080d8
Net After... calling 0x8055560 (request 0x80ecab8, response 0x8108078,
status 200, context (nil))
Request..... Delete 0x80ecab8
Request..... Deleting dangling output stream
Chunkstream. FREEING...
Memory Free. 0x80ec9b0
(OK, Fertig) Memory Free. 0x80ed848
HostEvent... Error: 1343 bytes left to read and nowhere to put them
Host Event.. host 0x80ee5b0 `' closed connection.

Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2000 08:59:04 UTC