how many events can be simultanously registred for one SOCKET?

How many events can be simultanously registred for a single SOCKET?

I'm working on using w3c-libww together with the Qt GUI toolkit, and
right now I'm trying to create a map from QSocketNotifiers
to HTEvent objects.

I have written a small program for testing, and from my experiments
I've found that when libwww tries opening a socket, it registers an
event of type HTEvent_CONNECT.  From this event it appearently expects 
a read event telling libwww that it's now OK to write down the socket.

Then it registers an event of type HTEvent_READ with the same socket. 

My questions are:
 1. will it be sufficient for me to create two maps from socket
    identifiers to HTEvent* (one for read and one for write), or may
    there be more than one read event registered on a socket at a
    particular point in time?
 2. will a registered HTEvent_CONNECT always result in the expectation 
    of a write event?
 3. will there ever be a HTEvent_READ registered?  And what does it
 4. will the HTEvent_CONNECT event ever be unregistered?


Received on Friday, 13 August 1999 05:49:29 UTC