RE: Proxy authentication in libwww

Hi Francisco,

The proxy filter should be registered in the HTProxy_add filter in

From then on, all responses with status code should call HTAuthFilter in

Can you see that this happens? Then furthermore, it should call the
registered user message handler and prompt the user for auth information.
Doesn't this happen?


At 19:56 14/07/1999 -0300, Lopez, Francisco Javier wrote:
>I'm asking you for help again, although I think this time closer to the
>I'll try to tell you a brief explanation of my original problem so to
>put some context to my question.
>I'm trying to use showtext in a win32 environment behind a proxy. The
>problem is that the proxy is configured to ask for a user/password, but
>the application never ask it and returns with no data. The environment
>variable for the proxy is settled and I'm debugging the application and
>libwww try to use it.
>In http.c, after the connection is established with the proxy, in
>HTTPNextState() the status is 407 which is correct, but it seems that
>despite this there is no call to the callback settled in the main
>program for the user defined handler
>(HTAlert_add(PromptUsernameAndPassword, HT_A_USER_PW).
>Do you have any idea of what could be wrong in the win32 port ?
>Thanks again

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,
World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Thursday, 15 July 1999 10:42:52 UTC