Re: threading

Man page on Solaris says:

     int connect(int s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen); 

     ENOENT              A component of the path  prefix  of  the
                         pathname in name does not exist.

     ENOENT              The socket referred to by  the  pathname
                         in name does not exist.

At 05:58 PM 3/19/99 -0500, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen wrote:
>At 09:53 3/19/99 -0800, Andrew Wong wrote:
>>No, it's not because of non-blocking. If it doesn't complete, it will
>>set EINPROGRESS to errno rather than ENOENT (which leads to a TCP_ERROR)
>ENOENT? That is interesting - I have never heard about that. Do you have
>some information on what that means?

Received on Friday, 19 March 1999 18:06:02 UTC