Re: ending the HTML parser loop

At 17:24 2/17/99 -0700, Mathew Cucuzella wrote:
>I'm using the showtags.c example program for the HTML parser. I want
>to be able to enter the event loop, parse the page, and then come
>back to my program. Here is the code I changed:
>  /* No change here. Call to register our own termination filter */
>  HTNet_addAfter(my_terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL, HT_FILTER_LAST);
>  PRIVATE int my_terminate_handler (HTRequest * request, HTResponse *
>			       void * param, int status) 
>  {
>    /* No change. We are done with this request */
>    HTRequest_delete(request);
>    /* No Change. Terminate libwww */
>    HTProfile_delete();
>    /* This use to be exit(0), I changed to ... */
>--> HTEventList_stopLoop();
>  }
>This seems to work, because I now come back from the HTEventList_loop(),
>but I'm not sure if it is the right call, or if there is a better
>way to do this. I would also like to call this code multiple times for
>different URI's which dumps core right now, but I haven't looked into
>that problem yet.

Stopping the loop is fine - but I wouldn't terminate libwww (delete the
profile) if I were you if you know that you are entering it again later.

That may also be the problem with the core.

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,
World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Wednesday, 17 February 1999 19:40:15 UTC