Question about HTMLGenerator

Hi Henrik
I have two questions about HTMLGenerator in HTMLGen files.

1) How can I generate HTML comments. I cheked the DTD in HTMLPDTD.c and there is a
COMMENT HTML element. I don't think that that will generate comments like:
<!-- this is a comment --> .
I would like also to generate a string like this :
<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "mydtd.dtd">

2) I think 3 NULLs are missing at the end of this class in HTMLGen.c: 

PRIVATE const HTStructuredClass HTMLGeneration = /* As opposed to print etc */
	HTMLGen_put_character, 	HTMLGen_put_string, HTMLGen_write,
	HTMLGen_start_element,	HTMLGen_end_element,

Thanks a lot for your help.
John Punin

Received on Thursday, 11 February 1999 15:38:44 UTC