Case insensitive bindings

when looking for the file format (in HTBind_getFormat) and case insensitive
is selected,
the hash table entry MUST be calculated from the case-insensitive suffix.
(I assume the hash table has been calculated using lower-case only suffixes,
so I calculate
the hash table entry in the same way - the full fix should create the hash
table accordingly)

-- Raffaele

Index: HTBind.c
RCS file: /sources/public/libwww/Library/src/HTBind.c,v
retrieving revision 2.30
diff -r2.30 HTBind.c
<      for( ; *ptr; ptr++)
<   hash = (int)((hash*3+(*(unsigned char*)ptr)) % HASH_SIZE);
>   for( ; *ptr; ptr++) {
>    unsigned char c = (unsigned char) (HTCaseSen ? *ptr : tolower(*ptr));
>    hash = (int)((hash*3+c) % HASH_SIZE);

Received on Friday, 5 February 1999 20:27:29 UTC