- From: Raffaele Sena <raff@nuvomedia.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:53:25 -0800 (PST)
- To: www-lib <www-lib@w3.org>
Hello, I found the current HTMLPDTD.* files are missing a few basic tags for no apparent reasons (i.e. the AREA tag is there, but not the MAP tag). Also, the <B> tag should have the generic list of attributes, as the <I> tags. Here are a few changes (added BIG,DIV,MAP,SMALL,SPAN). Also, I'm playing with the HTML parser. I like a lot the new modular interface, but I find there are a few things missing in order to make it really usable (for example, if I don't update the HTMLPDTD object, the only thing I get for unhandled tag is the tag name, with no attributes. Also, it would be nice to have some callbacks on the entities, or the possibility to install my own entities). Is there anybody working on this kind of stuff ? Thanks, Raffaele ------------------------- 8< CUT HERE >8 -------------------------- Index: HTMLPDTD.c =================================================================== RCS file: /sources/public/libwww/Library/src/HTMLPDTD.c,v retrieving revision 2.27 diff -b -r2.27 HTMLPDTD.c 295a296,300 > PRIVATE HTAttr map_attr[HTML_MAP_ATTRIBUTES+1] = { > { "NAME"}, > { 0 } /* Terminate list */ > }; > 397c402 < { "B" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED }, --- > { "B" , gen_attr, HTML_GEN_ATTRIBUTES, SGML_MIXED }, 398a404 > { "BIG" , gen_attr, HTML_GEN_ATTRIBUTES, SGML_MIXED }, 412a419 > { "DIV" , gen_attr, HTML_GEN_ATTRIBUTES, SGML_MIXED }, 442a450 > { "MAP" , map_attr, HTML_MAP_ATTRIBUTES, SGML_MIXED }, 464a473,474 > { "SMALL" , gen_attr, HTML_GEN_ATTRIBUTES, SGML_MIXED }, > { "SPAN" , gen_attr, HTML_GEN_ATTRIBUTES, SGML_MIXED }, Index: HTMLPDTD.html =================================================================== RCS file: /sources/public/libwww/Library/src/HTMLPDTD.html,v retrieving revision 2.28 diff -b -r2.28 HTMLPDTD.html 59a60 > HTML_BIG, 73a75 > HTML_DIV, 103a106 > HTML_MAP, 125a129,130 > HTML_SMALL, > HTML_SPAN, 332a338,344 > </PRE> > <H3> > MAP > </H3> > <PRE> > #define HTML_MAP_NAME 0 > #define HTML_MAP_ATTRIBUTES 1 --------------------------------------------- Raffaele Sena Senior Software Engineer ( "THE" Linux Guy :) NuvoMedia, Inc. 310 Villa Street Mt. View, CA 94041 Main: +1.650.314.1200 Direct: +1.650.314.1255 Fax: +1.650.314.1201 mailto:raff@nuvomedia.com http://www.rocket-ebook.com
Received on Thursday, 21 January 1999 14:53:35 UTC