Re: Unresolved externals on Win32 project

Stephen Walch wrote:
> I am attempting to use (for the first time) www-lib in a C++ project using MCVC 5.0.  I have tried building and linking even the simplest projects, like the chunks.c sample, and I get unresolved externals:

All the HTInit* functions are part of the libwww initialization routines
described in

These source files are *not* included in any msvc generated DLL and must
be included by the application. You can find a description of the
modules at

and in particular the initialization module at

As we are moving to compiling libwww in the cygwin environment [1], we
can in fact generate a complete DLL with the whole of libwww put into
it. This was one of the (many) reasons whe the HText interface had to


Received on Friday, 8 January 1999 19:59:52 UTC