Re: UNICODE support? wrote:
> I am experimenting with libwww and I have not found a way to do a UNICODE
> build.  Basically I expected to pass UNICODE strings to fonctions like
> HTParse() to get back UNICODE strings from functions like
> HTChunk_toCString().  Am I correct in concluding that I need to do all the
> conversions myself?  If so, does this reflect an aspect of the HTTP spec
> that I was not aware of, or is it just a feature of this library.

The HTTP spec doesn't really talk about UNICODE - it uses the default
UTF-8 policy within IETF. However, documents transferred in HTTP can of
course be UNICODE independently of HTTP.

You are right that libwww doesn't have any support for UNICODE. Martin
Düerst is our i18n expert - Martin, do you know of UNICODE packages that
can be easily integrated into packages like libwww which use the normal
C style string management? I would imagine that it would have to go
through UFT-8, right?
> Regardless, the library looks great and I hope to use it in a number of
> projects.


Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,
World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 1999 15:08:45 UTC