Changes to cookie-handling mechanism

Hi libwww people,

My understanding of HTTP is still fairly fragile at this point but I do
know that I was unable to get things to work until I made the following
modifications to 'HTCookie.c'.

I think the format for the cookie portion of an HTTP request header
should assume the following format:

	Cookie: name1=value1; name2=value2; ...

If so, then the following changes are needed in 'HTCookie.c'

Function - HTCookie_beforeFilter()

Modification #1

original source:
	if (!first) HTChunk_putc(cookie_header, ',');

proposed change:
	if (!first) HTChunk_puts(cookie_header, "; ");

Modification #2

original source:
	HTRequest_addExtraHeader(request, "Cookie",

proposed change:
	    HTRequest_addExtraHeader(request, "Cookie: ",


- Allen C.

Received on Thursday, 10 June 1999 04:13:52 UTC