Looking for MiniServ...

Hi !


I'm looking for a (maybe libWWW-based) mini-WWW-server which support PUT
and GET to connect two databases.
I found some notes about a "MiniServ" in the libWWW mailinglist archive,
but I did
not found any sources :-(

Do you have a ready-to-compile...run example of a small www server (there's
no need
for CGI's, directory-browsing features - only a dump =.-) http-daemon which
sits in a
seperate lwp of the database and serves incoming requests) ?

Thank you very much !!



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o)  Roland Mainz                               C programmer
  \__\/\/__/   Roland.Mainz@informatik.med.uni-giessen.de MPEG specialist
  /O /==\ O\   gisburn@w-specht.rhein-ruhr.de             Sun&&Amiga
 (;O/ \/ \O;)  TEL +49 (0) 2426901568  FAX +49 (0) 2426901569

Received on Monday, 31 May 1999 13:13:13 UTC