RE: Keep-alive problem

Apologies for the duplicate post -- and for the format of
my previous post.


Following w3c as an example, I have been trying to produce a
programmatic interface to: POSTing url-encoded form and getting
the response code,  possibly with HTML response.  The problem I am
having is that if the server sends a response header with a
"Connection: keep-alive" header,  and I set the HTRequest_setOuputFormat()
to "www/void" (WWW_RAW),  the returned page becomes available
immediately but the event loop waits (blocks) -- either until the
server timeout value is reached, or the client timeout is reached
(in which case an error occurs, even if the POST was accepted and
a response received).

I'd be most grateful for illumination on this topic -- I'd like to
get this nailed down before I attempt to get my arms around using
SSL as a transport.


Michael Sierchio        

Received on Monday, 3 May 1999 16:42:35 UTC