Simultameous requests to a single host

Hello Henrik,

I'm still studying how to make libwww to process simultameous requests
to one host. The fact that it doesn't allow this is a big issue for me.
The main goal of my application is to allow processing of multiple
requests to the same host and it must be done within a single process.
Since libwww has a select based event loop it should be possible. 

I had a look at HTHost.c HTHost_connect and other modules.
It looks that architecture of libwww (HTHost object) assumes that
only one connection can exists at a time to a sigle host.
I can't estimate how many changes are necessary to libwww to introduce
an option to change this behavior.

Can you, please, point some workaround to this.

Thank you in advance,

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Received on Tuesday, 6 April 1999 11:29:59 UTC